From youth leader in her native Kenya to her current job as head of the Lutheran Office for World Community in New York, Christine Mangale reflects on her journey to lift up the voices of local churches in promoting justice, peace and human…
How can church leaders and faith communities step up and support the struggle to end violence against women and girls? An ecumenical panel of activists explores practical action at the start of the annual 16 Days of Activism campaign.
Delegates from The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria, and the LWF World Service country programs in Kenya--Somalia and Angola participated in the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights…
Lutheran Church Support to People Living with HIV and Marginalized Women
(LWI) – On the first Saturday of each month, about 40 to 50 people meet at the Redeemer Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO) in Bogotá…
(LWI) – A four-day workshop with African participants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia marked the beginning of the Gender Justice Policy (GJP) implementation process. The Gender Justice…
Women in Church and Society participate in UN platform
(LWI) – “The commitment toward an inclusive communion promoting equal participation of women and men must be deeply rooted in a society that values the gifts of every human being,”…