In the Japan Lutheran Church, 70 percent of those who attend worship are women. It therefore means that women are the majority of servers in the church. They are happy to serve and give their voice at various…
The summer I was 13, I went sailing one sunny afternoon at a camp in upstate New York, US. My friend and I set out in a tiny sailboat, ready to pass the better part of the afternoon soaking up the sun and enjoying…
In the past five years, hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives through earthquakes in different parts of the world. In 2010, a massive earthquake in Haiti killed more than 160,000. Four…
On May 4, LWF Council member and Swedish Archbishop Dr Antje Jackelén met Pope Francis in the Vatican City. The Archbishop highlighted one of the products of the ongoing Lutheran Catholic dialogue – the publication From Conflict…
Dr Sarah Hinlicky Wilson invites Lutherans to join a truly global community reading and discussing Luther's theology online in preparation for the Reformation jubilee in 2017.
LWF Advocacy Officer Dr Ojot Ojulu took part in the 60th year commemorations of the first all-Africa Lutheran conference. He analyzes the critical need for church advocacy in today’s society.
The Lutheran World Federation's Anne Burghardt offers insight into the four booklets produced for the 2017 Reformation anniversary theme, Liberated by God’s Grace, and its three sub-themes on salvation, human beings and creation…
LWF junior advocacy officer Marta Spangler attended a global advocacy training for faith-based organizations on women’s human rights, taking place in Geneva. She looks at the potential for international synergy through faith-based collaboration…
Bishop Susan Johnson, vice-president for the North American region of the Lutheran World Federation suggests numerous ways in which member churches can use the four Reformation booklets - Liberated by God’s Grace, Salvation - not…
We must draw on the past in order to examine inter-faith dialogue, says Dr Tong Wing-sze, director of the Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre, in Hong Kong, which is to host next month’s interfaith consultation,…