Divergent conclusions “will always” be part of biblical interpretation
(LWI) – An international Lutheran conference on Bible interpretation has recognized the importance of reading Scripture with love and respect as well as building a…
Focus on refugee crisis at Budapest Diakonia Day sermon
(LWI) – The service began with the clergy placing a diaconal cross in a prominent place. Seven pictures hung from the light-colored wood, illustrating gestures of compassion and…
GENEVA/LONDON, 5 October 2015 - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) will jointly discuss the importance of faith-based organizations as positive contributors to humanitarian work in a side event at the annual…
“Fences and walls are no way to shape a good life together for people”
BUDAPEST, Hungary/GENEVA, 4 October 2015 (LWI) - Lutheran World Federation Vice-Presidents in Europe have called for agreement on a dignified refugee policy in the…
(LWI) – A group of newly elected leaders among The Lutheran World Federation member churches have formed a peer support network to mutually accompany each other and minister to one another in…
Sponsorship gives girls confidence to make own decisions
(LWI) - The first man who proposed marriage to Fatou Haidana had seen her at the market. He followed her home and asked for her hand. Her mother declined. The second was a Marabout…
LWF President Younan visits border village of Korean Peninsula
(LWI) – At the border village of Panmunjom that divides the Korean people, Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan, President of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), said peace between…