Emergency aid project of Namibian church against malnutrition and hunger
(LWI) - 30 tons of maize meal and 2,5 tons of dry beans are helping the community of Groot Aub, about 40 kilometers south of Namibia's capital Windhoek, to mitigate…
(LWI) - It did not take the diaconate of the Simalungun Protestant Christian Church (GKPS) long to realize the financial impact the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic shutdowns would…
Rapid aid assists local church’s immediate response
(LWI) - Two tropical storms in El Salvador last month further exacerbated food insecurities experienced by residents due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Rapid Response Fund:Infection rate on the rise in India, Lutheran churches respond
(LWI) - In the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India (UELCI) found…