Three months after the Hamas attack on Israel and the start of the war on Gaza, cancer patients are stranded at the LWF’s Augusta Victoria Hospital. In an interview, LWF Jerusalem Representative Sieglinde Weinbrenner talks about…
After 100 days of war in Gaza, LWF is deeply concerned that there is no solution on the horizon. “The time is now to implement a ceasefire that can lead to just peace.”
As Chey Mattner ends his role as head of programs for LWF World Service, he shares insights on how his childhood in rural Australia helped to shape his professional career.
Kharkiv’s Saltivka district was one of the first and hardest-hit parts of Ukraine since the start of the war. Over 10,000 apartments were damaged or burnt down completely following missile strikes. LWF together with UNHCR is focused on rebuilding…
HIAS, (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), Islamic Relief Worldwide, and The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have submitted a pledge for improved refugee protection/social cohesion through faith-sensitive programming guided by Humanitarian…
As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 75, LWF recalls the legacy and renewed commitment of those working to uphold the inalienable rights and dignity of every human being
The operational context in Haiti is challenging. Lawlessness, the rule of organized criminal groups, economic problems, earthquakes, and extreme weather events continue to destroy livelihoods.
Equal opportunities for children with disability is the agenda of the LWF education team in Kenya. They work with the community in the refugee camps to ensure that children with disabilities can attend school.…
A recently published toolbox of resources for implementing gender justice in churches and society forms the centerpiece of a webinar marking the 16 Days campaign.