Meet one of the 2500 Humanitarian Heroes at the forefront of the LWF’s emergency response. On World Humanitarian Day (19 August) we pay special tribute to their commitment to assist - often at great personal risk - those facing violence,…
Investment in youth leadership is a call of the Gospel and has also been a central commitment of the LWF for decades.;
The youth pre-Assembly brings together LWF Assembly delegates who are 18-30 years old to worship, build community and capacity for participation in the Assembly, and to discuss LWF youth priorities. At the Assembly, the group will present those priorities. LWF Assembly stewards are also invited to attend the Youth Pre-Assembly.
This international conference, bringing together fifty-three theologians, scholars, development agencies, civil servants and church leaders aims to:
Map current theological discourses regarding religion and development
Understand the new religious actors in development practice and debate (e.g., Pentecostals and Independent Churches)
Clarify the interface between FBOs and political actors in development (current and new avenues of cooperation with UN, EU, governments and other civil society actors)
Explore ways of enhancing the role of religion in peace building, conflict resolution and social integration
Mobilize thinking on the role of religion in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) debate
Explore areas and ways of possible further project related collaboration between major actors in churches and development cooperation/research.