GENEVA, 6 September 2016 (LWI) – On 31 October Pope Francis, LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan and LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge will lead the Joint Ecumenical Commemoration in Lund Cathedral and Malmö Arena. The arena in Malmö…
(LWI) - The LWF has proved itself an organization recognised for high quality work and for networking with diverse groups of people, Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa says.
(LWI) - “Unity is a gift of God, given to us at the price of Christ’s blood at the cross. Therefore, unity is for free, yet it is very costly,” the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General…
Hungarian church leader reflects on Advent among Christians in Northern Iraq
(LWI) The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary (ELCH) supports persecuted Christians in Northern Iraq who are returning to the homes they forcibly fled nearly…
(LWI) - Together with many partners, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is bringing the voice of faith-based organizations to the Global Refugee Forum,…
(LWI) - As many Christians around the world anticipate an exceptional Holy Week and Easter period without the traditional physical gathering in church for worship due to the coronavirus pandemic,…