Reflections by LWF General Secretary Junge and ELCSA Bishop Phaswana
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) sees the recent Catholic bishops’ synod on the family as not only underlining the urgency of discussion on this topic but…
From Conflict to Communion Can Assist Healing Process
(LWI) – Peruvian Lutheran church leaders say reflecting together on the joint Catholic-Lutheran publication From Conflict to Communion as a basis for joint…
LWF and the Vatican Announce Common Liturgical Material for 2017
(LWI) – Rev. Martin Junge, General Secretary of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) says relations between the Lutheran and Catholic churches have reached an epoch-…
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) will jointly host an ecumenical event in the fall of 2016 as a continuation of the process “From Conflict…
Lima Pastor and Priest Describe a Journey of ‘Grassroots Ecumenism’
(LWI) – On 7 December 2014, Catholic priest Father Marco Agüero Vidal and Peruvian Lutheran Evangelical Church (ILEP) pastor Rev. Pedro Bullón celebrated jointly the…
Commission Studies Baptismal Practices and Traditions
(LWI) – The five-year trilateral dialogue between Lutherans, Roman Catholics and Mennonites focusing on baptism has reached its halfway point, with the continued study on “Baptism and…
Interview with Lutheran Theologian Prof. Augustine Suzuki
(LWI) – Lutheran theologian Prof. H. Augustine Suzuki looks at how more than three decades of dialogue with Catholics has contributed to a growing spirit of ecumenism in Japan. “…
Junge: ‘Many Good Reasons to Celebrate’ Support from Strasbourg Institute
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge has paid tribute to the Institute for Ecumenical Research at Strasbourg for…
From Conflict to Communion study guide helps movement toward unity
(LWI) – Lutherans and Catholics in the United States are discussing how to mark the common commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 using a new Study Guide on the historic…