As the global community marks 2016 World AIDS Day today, 1 December, hundreds of church workers throughout The Lutheran World Federation communion in local congregations, communities and at global level, are raising awareness of the need to fight…
Messages of peace and moderation after post-electoral clashes
(LWI) - Churches in Zimbabwe have spoken up against the shooting of unarmed protesters after the elections. “The last few weeks made all of us proud Zimbabweans, that we could…
(LWI) - Youth from 15 member churches of the Lutheran Communion in Southern Africa (LUCSA) have identified climate change and gender-based violence (GBV) as…
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has expressed its gratitude to the Anglican Communion for its strong witness in an increasingly divided world and…
Mozambique emergency response after cyclone “Idai” successfully completed
(LWI) - “Our life is better now,” says Francisco Thuboy Mauguese, a farmer who lives together with his wife and six children in Muchambonha village. He is one of…
"Inspired by strong resilience and commitment to peace”
(LWI) - “We came here, following our prayers for the churches and people of Zimbabwe, during a time of drought and difficulty, to be with the LWF member church, our partners, and the…
LWF General Secretary and high level delegation visit
(LWI) "First we prayed for you during the drought, but now we have come to see you and meet you. In our hearts the question: how are our sisters and brothers doing?” We came for a…