Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image A woman nurses her child in the shade of a tree trunk in Lalibela, Ethiopia. Photo: Magnus Aronsson/ Church of Sweden Paris agreement: “Don’t water it down” LWF calls for robust implementation of Paris Climate agreement (LWI) - On the occasion of the UN climate change conference…
Image The congregation at St John's Cathedral, Hong Kong, for the official opening of ACC-17. Photo: ACNS LWF thanks Anglicans for witnessing together in a fragmented world LWF greetings to Anglican Consultative Council (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has expressed its gratitude to the Anglican Communion for its strong witness in an increasingly divided world and…
Image Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata, General Secretary of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay Vital role of religions in providing safe space for civil society organization General Secretary of Zimbabwe Council of Churches says faith groups must play prophetic role in mobilizing for justice and peace (LWI) - Faith groups play a vital role in opening spaces for civil society engagement with governments, even…
Image Journalists interview LWF General Secretary Martin Junge following a meeting with government officials in Harare. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson Churches called to combat exclusion, discrimination LWF leader explores ‘Role of the Church in the Public Space’ in meeting with Zimbabwe Council of Churches (LWI) - Churches around the world today are called to combat “exclusionary, discriminatory narratives and policies”, modelling…