Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Pastor Nancy Christensen outside the Lucky Shoals Park Community Center Polling Site, Norcross, Ga. USA, on election day, 2020. Photo: Rev. Nancy Christensen USA poll chaplain: A “non-anxious presence” for voters Pastor serves calm, burgers, directions on election day “I’m so glad to see you,” said Elena, the elderly Latina woman, tears in her eyes, who was confused about where she was supposed to go. On 3 November 2020, I joined a…
Image ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton, addressing the Churchwide Assembly in New Orleans: Photo: ELCA LWF encouraged by member church action to review investments in fossil fuel companies General Secretary Junge at Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (LWI) – Key actions from the recent governing body of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) included response to The Lutheran World…
Image A lie-in in front of the White House, organized by students in Washington after the school shooting in Florida, calls for more legislation on privately owned firearms. Photo: Lorie Shaull/ Flickr ELCA Bishops stand with youth in addressing gun violence and school safety Solidarity with children and youth who “March for our Lives” (LWI) - Following a school shooting in Florida, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Conference of Bishops has issued a statement…
Image Rev Rolando Antonio Ortez, Pastor President of the ICLH, presides at the ordinations of three male and four female pastors in 2017. Photo: LWF/P. Cuyatti Honduran church models inclusion and opportunities for young women LWF member church works with partners offering alternatives to migration (LWI) - While controversy continues to surround the planned building of a wall along the southern border of the United States, the…
Image Faustina Nillan, national director for women and children in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. Photo: Doug Hostetter UN side event highlights churches’ successes in furthering Sustainable Development Goals A parallel event at UN Commission on the Status of Women highlights work of the ecumenical “Waking the Giant” initiative (LWI) - Ecumenical development experts from around the world, meeting at the…
Image Bishop Deborah Hutterer of the Grand Canyon Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In this Voices from the Communion interview, she talks about the churchâs ministry of serving migrants, changing populist rhetoric, and being open to change. Photo: LWF/A.Weyermülle God’s gifts to care for our neighbor Voices from the Communion: Bishop Deborah Hutterer, ELCA (LWI) – Rev. Deborah Hutterer was elected Bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod in the United States in September 2018. The synod of the…
Image LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Unexpected joy during an unprecedented Christmas LWF President Musa shared LWF’s 2020 Christmas Message (LWI) – In a Christmas season marked by uncertainty and fear from the unfamiliar and unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Christians are invited to trust in the promise…
Image Photo: Tim Mudd/Unsplash LWF offers condolences after Texas school shooting Church encouraged to "continue to advocate prophetically against gun violence” (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has expressed condolences and shared prayers with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and…