It was a joy for me to be back in New York City. On 22 October, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) had a reception to celebrate its 75th anniversary—75 years of helping to carry out the…
In this Voices from the Communion, Rev. Amy Reumann shares her passion for justice, as well as her work as a gardener creating places for connection and community building.
In this Voices from the Communion, we hear from ELCA Bishop Yehiel Curry, former pastor and mission developer with the Shekinah Chapel Lutheran Church movement for African American youth.
Joy and fear, belief and doubt are often mixed together in us, just as they were in the reactions of the disciples to the news of Jesus’ Resurrection on the first Easter day.
Serving as the LWF Vice-President for North America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton, discusses the importance of being a part of a larger Lutheran communion and the ELCA’s ecumenical commitment to “…
(LWI) – On 28 February 2014, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge accompanied by Bishop Cindy Halmarson, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and…
Lutherans and Catholics in the United States follow up on Joint Commemoration in Lund
(LWI) On 2 March the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Conference of Bishops’ Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Committee and the United States…
Bishop Barbara Collins (ELCA) reflects on the Retreat of Newly Elected Leaders
LWI – Barbara Collins (59) was elected Bishop of the Upper Susquehanna Synod – one of 65 synods in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) – for a…
LWF Council calls for action on number of urgent issues
(LWI) - The governing body of the Lutheran World Federation has highlighted a number of issues that need the urgent attention of churches and the international community. On the…
Public statements and resolutions from 2019 LWF Council meeting
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Council concluded its 2019 meeting with public statements and resolutions on crises related to climate change, the Israeli-…