The LWF International Worship Planning Committee for the Twelfth Assembly is at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America's celebration of music, Living Voice, in Atlanta, United States. Committee chair, Rev. Dr Stephen Larson,…
In this Voices from the Communion, Rev. Amy Reumann shares her passion for justice, as well as her work as a gardener creating places for connection and community building.
Representatives from LWF member churches and country programs around the globe are bringing grassroots experience and expertise to the 68th session of the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women which will be discussing poverty alleviation.
Joy and fear, belief and doubt are often mixed together in us, just as they were in the reactions of the disciples to the news of Jesus’ Resurrection on the first Easter day.
Serving as the LWF Vice-President for North America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton, discusses the importance of being a part of a larger Lutheran communion and the ELCA’s ecumenical commitment to “…
(LWI) – On 28 February 2014, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge accompanied by Bishop Cindy Halmarson, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and…
From Conflict to Communion study guide helps movement toward unity
(LWI) – Lutherans and Catholics in the United States are discussing how to mark the common commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 using a new Study Guide on the historic…
Continued cooperation of ongoing projects in the area of diakonia
GENEVA, 25 June 2015 (LWI) - The Development and Social Services Commission of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY-DASSC) and the Global…
HARRISBURG, United States/ GENEVA, 24 July 2015 (LWI) - Five years after Lutherans asked Mennonites to forgive violence against their ancestors, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)…
Junge’s perspective on “From Conflict to Communion” in Scherer Lecture at Chicago
(LWI) – As Lutherans and Roman Catholics jointly tell the Reformation story, they offer a powerful witness to a fragmented world, says Rev. Dr Martin Junge…