Sharing and Learning Has Strengthened Collaboration among European Diaconal Actors
(LWI) – A “Solidarity Group” that coordinates sharing of practices by diaconal actors across Lutheran churches in Europe resolved at their last meeting to…
Assistance to the displaced and people with disabilities
(LWI) – In the midst of the 16-month-old war in the Ukraine that has killed over 6000 people and displaced 1.5 million, the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Ukraine (GELCU…
Tenth anniversary of Czech institute outlines vision of educational programs
(LWI) - A network of Christian social activists across Central and Eastern Europe has marked its 10th anniversary with a commitment towards educational programs…
Joint action to respond to “unprecedented threat” of coronavirus pandemic
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) together with other organizations is joining the global appeal of the United Nations (UN) for donations to respond to …