Young African Lutherans take on the challenge of the Reformation
African members of the Global Young Reformers Network attending the 60th anniversary of the Lutheran communion in Africa held a one-day workshop, 19 May, to deliberate on…
Allison Westerhoff, a communications officer with the Lutheran church in Southern Africa, applauds efforts to encourage young church members in Tanzania to think green.
The Majengo Lutheran Parish in Moshi, Tanzania, is a…
General Secretary Junge encourages churches to build on Marangu uniqueness
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge has called on African Lutheran churches to use their sense of “togetherness and…
(LWI) - Tanzania’s Presiding Bishop Dr Alex G. Malasusa inaugurated African Lutheran anniversary celebrations with a call for greater unity among the churches.
Celebrating 25 years of Lutheran women’s ordination in Tanzania’s Northern Diocese
(LWI) - More than 10 percent of ordained pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) are women, and nearly all the church’s 24 dioceses…
(LWI) - Church unity, sustainability, and a vibrant church were key topics at a recent retreat of bishops, management team, youth and women leaders of the…
Bishops issue shared statement on proclaiming the gospel in the public space
LWI - Lutheran bishops from Sweden and Tanzania have met together to discern ways of supporting each other’s ministry through prayer, service and public witness…