Joint action to respond to “unprecedented threat” of coronavirus pandemic
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) together with other organizations is joining the global appeal of the United Nations (UN) for donations to respond to …
Rapid aid assists local church’s immediate response
(LWI) - Two tropical storms in El Salvador last month further exacerbated food insecurities experienced by residents due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Germany: Mission EineWelt provides relief for partner churches
(LWI) - "The willingness to assist is of inestimable value for the people in our partner churches,” says Katrin Bauer, director of the Fundraising Department at…
LWF President Musa shared LWF’s 2020 Christmas Message
(LWI) – In a Christmas season marked by uncertainty and fear from the unfamiliar and unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Christians are invited to trust in the promise…
Youth lead project to improve environment and food security
(LWI) – “Achieving food sovereignty and protecting the environment and natural resources are big challenges in our country,” said Rev. Maritza Albertina Carrillo Herrera, a…
SAN SALVADOR / El Salvador (LWI) - Construyendo una hoja de ruta para la incidencia por la justicia climática en América Latina y del Caribe, es nombre del evento que ha iniciado este 26 de julio en San Salvador y que culminará el 28 del mismo...
SAN SALVADOR / El Salvador (LWI) Con el acompañamiento de la Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña (ILS), en el marco de Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, este 7 de junio se realizó en San Salvador la 22° caminata ecológica. La actividad reunió a la...
SAN SALVADOR / El Salvador (LWI) - Como parte de la respuesta a la emergencia desatada a raíz del Covid-19, la Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña (ILS) está brindando apoyo a más de 665 familias. El servicio viene desarrollándose gracias al apoyo de...