Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Archbishop Antje Jackelén ends her term as head of the Church of Sweden in October. Photo: LWF/A. Hillert Sweden: Reformation, reconciliation, and gender justice Voices from the Communion: Archbishop Antje Jackelén looks back at highlights and challenges of her leadership
Image Bishop Johan Tyrberg, Diocese of Lund, Sweden, during a visit to the LWF Communion Office in Geneva, Switzerland, September 2021. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay Lund: Celebrating “five years of a new friendship” Voices from the Communion: Bishop Johan Tyrberg, Diocese of Lund, Sweden (LWI) – In this Voices from the Communion interview, Bishop Johan Tyrberg, Diocese of Lund, Church of Sweden, looks back at how a historic ecumenical event that…