Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Photo: LWF/M. Renaux Papua New Guinea: Participating in God's Mission as a LWF Youth Volunteer at ELCPNG By Carlos Hidalgo Someone once wrote that "There's nothing stronger than a heart of a volunteer." I don't know who penned this statement but it’s a part of who I’ve turned out to be today. It all started a year ago in July 2013. I…
Image Contemporary music draws young people to ELCN-PNG workshops. Girls from Ngagiob parish perform a tambourine dance, a creative method of explaining biblical stories. Photo: LWF/M. Renaux Tackling a taboo subject in Papua New Guinea Lutheran Youth leader Warendo Soer says it is important to raise awareness about teenage pregnancy in Papua New Guinea. Sex education is not something ones talks about openly in Papua New Guinea. It is considered a…
Image A group of women participants at MLCâs jubilee. Photo: MLC Precious in God’s Eyes 16 days of activism to overcome gender based violence (LWI) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is encouraging church leaders to speak up publicly against gender-based violence. Joining the…