Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image A group of women participants at MLCâs jubilee. Photo: MLC Precious in God’s Eyes 16 days of activism to overcome gender based violence (LWI) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is encouraging church leaders to speak up publicly against gender-based violence. Joining the…
Image Namibian Lutheran pastors Rev. Klaus-Peter Tietz (left) and Rev. Isak Malua. Photo: LWF/A. Weyermüller Working together, growing friendships Interview with the Namibian pastors Isak Malua and Klaus-Peter Tietz (LWI) – Isak Malua (40) and Klaus-Peter Tietz (59) are both pastors in Namibia, serving in two different Lutheran churches in the country. They met in Wittenberg,…