Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image A traditional meal is served in Hadiya, south central Ethiopia. Photo: Albin Hillert/LWF "People are not starving, they are being starved” LWF joins interagency call to fight famine (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has joined more than 200 aid organizations in a call to fight hunger and famine worldwide. In an…
Image The young inventors from the LWF-Jordan project, âInnovation Labâ received technical support from professionals. Photo: Daham Alhamad/LWF-Jordan Jordan: Youth project fosters innovation and collaboration Syrian and Jordanian youth create solutions for everyday problems, awarded for inventions (LWI) - When 15-year-old Rawan from Jordan noticed an increase in home fires in her neighborhood, she created heaters with sensors that would warn…
Image Erik Siegl from Czech Diaconia with LWFâs Caroline Tveoy and staff from the World Service team in Jordan outside the Aman community center in Zarqa. All photos: LWF/Jordan Supporting Syria’s refugees, ten years on Czech Diaconia continues to support LWF’s vital education and skills training for Syrian refugees in neighboring Jordan (LWI) - A decade on from the start of the Syrian conflict, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) remains committed to…
Image Youth playing on the banks of RÃo Pogue in Atrato, northwestern Colombia. The LWF supports local communities to uphold their rights and protect the Atrato River, which has been polluted by material from extractive industries for decades. Photo: LWF/G. A. Moreno Clavijo Supporting marginalized people to organize and empower themselves Report on LWF’s rights-based approach work in 2020 (LWI) – Through its local-to-global methodology, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) continues to work with refugees, internally displaced people, indigenous communities, ethnic…
Image LWF Jordan staff, refugees and host community members take part in a training on hydroponics farming. The system uses 90 percent less water compared to conventional farming, and it is powered by photovoltaic panels, which also reduce fossil fuel energy consumption. Photo: LWF Jordan/Daham Al-Hamad Jordan: Saving water while improving food security LWF pioneers hydroponic farming system enabling refugees and host communities to grow fresh fruit and vegetables (LWI) - Improving food security for Syrian refugees and host communities in Jordan, while at the same time promoting climate…
Image LWF Jordan 2012-2016 Report The LWF Jordan office is overseen by World Service, the humanitarian and development arm of the LWF, based in Geneva, Switzerland.