Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Bishop Ulrich and Pope Francis during the audience in the Vatican. Photo: VaticanPress “A momentum which is irreversible” German Lutherans meet LWF member church and Pope Francis in Italy (LWI) - "We have experienced a lot of encouragement for the ecumenical journey of Lutherans and Catholics worldwide," the chairman of the…
Image A nurse at the Villa Betania Evangelical Hospital wearing full protective gear to fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Photo: Brandmaker COVID-19: Saving lives at Protestant Hospital in Naples, Italy Churches in China, America and Germany offer support and funding to meet short and longer-term challenges (LWI) - A couple of weeks ago, Cordelia Vitiello recalls, families from Naples were out on the beaches, relaxing and chatting with…
Image LWFâs World Service Department director, Maria Immonen and the Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, Aloysius John. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson Lutherans and Catholics: Common Vision for joint service LWF’s World Service and Caritas Internationalis recommit to “stand together for the sake of the neighbor” (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Caritas Internationalis (CI), the global…