Bishop emeritus Dr Busi Suneel Bhanu is on the seven-member LWF study group on Lutheran engagement in the public space. He reflects on the Indian context and expectations about the process.
LWF scholarship holder explains her focus on Dalit women
The caste system is a brutal, systematic, and intentional social construct that stratifies the society into a strict social order, which sacralizes some bodies while dehumanizing…
LWF Congratulates Joint Winners Malala Yousafzay and Kailash Satyarthi
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) welcomes recognition of the critical role of “education for all” in the naming of Pakistani education activist…
Interview with UELCI Youth Secretary Chrisida Nithyakalyani
(LWI) – Youth leadership development programs run by Lutheran churches in India are equipping young people with skills that help communities take up issues of climate change, and…
Indian young reformer plants historic tree at Wittenberg Luther Garden
WITTENBERG, Germany/GENEVA, 28 August 2015 (LWI) – Youth delegates from Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches across the world witnessed the first young…
Four women in historic ordination in Madhya Pradesh Lutheran church
(LWI) - After a long wait a “dream has come true,” for Rev. L. K. Khakha from Tumsar, a small town in India’s central state of Madhya Pradesh. On 1 November, she and…
Perceptions are changing about the church and people living with HIV
(LWI) - India’s Lutheran churches are reaching out to people living with HIV in a context in which the epidemic is slowing down but poverty and stigma pose major…