Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Hong Kong: Keeping hope alive A Lunar New Year with the outbreak of Coronavirus Lunar New Year is, without doubt, the most important annual festival for the Chinese. It is not only a long holiday in Hong Kong, but also a time for family and friends to gather. It is…
Image A group of women participants at MLCâs jubilee. Photo: MLC Precious in God’s Eyes 16 days of activism to overcome gender based violence (LWI) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is encouraging church leaders to speak up publicly against gender-based violence. Joining the…
Image Volunteers at the Eternal Life Lutheran Church in Hong Kong prepare supplies to distribute to local people in need. All Photos: ELCHK COVID-19: Church brings hope amid hardship in Hong Kong ELCHK volunteers distribute food and medical supplies along with prayer and spiritual support (LWI) - While largely confined to their homes and limited to online worship, volunteers at a Lutheran church in Hong Kong have also been…