Greater Visibility of Advocacy and Human Rights Work
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) accepted the Guatemalan Lutheran Church (ILUGUA) into membership at the June 2014 Council meeting in Indonesia, bringing the total…
(LWI) - The LWF Council has voted to welcome with joy three new member churches to the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). They are the Christ Lutheran Church (India), the United Evangelical…
LWF and ecumenical organizations stand in solidarity
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), together with other ecumenical partners, has “expressed deep concern” over recent threats against a Lutheran pastor and human rights…
(LWI) - In a letter to Lutheran churches in Central America, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge has expressed solidarity with the people and communities affected by the …
GINEBRA (LWI) – El Consejo de la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM) reunida entre el 27 de Junio al 02 de Julio aceptó a la Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatemala (ILAG) y a la Iglesia Evangélica Unida – Sínodo Luterano (IEU-SL) de Cuba como...
CIUDAD DE GUATEMALA / Guatemala (LWI) - El Rev. José Pilar Álvarez Cabrera, actualmente Pastor Presidente de la Iglesia Luterana Guatemalteca (ILUGUA) que es iglesia miembro de la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM), recibirá el Premio Agente de...