GENEVA, 14 November 2015 (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation(LWF) condemns in the firmest terms the despicable attacks in Beirut and Paris, this Thursday and Friday, which have caused massive loss of lives.
Recognition for contribution to Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
(LWI) - Lutheran ecumenist Prof. Theodor Dieter will receive the 2017 Ratzinger Prize on 18 November. The director of the LWF Institute for Ecumenical…
Annual course on interreligious dialogue will also be online
(LWI) - The Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, France, will offer its recently introduced ecumenism study seminar online, this time focusing on the self-…
Continued engagement for women’s empowerment and gender justice
(LWI) – "It is important to take stock halfway between the last LWF Assembly in Namibia in 2017 and the next Assembly in Poland in 2023, and to identify the issues for…