Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Simo Peura, Lutheran bishop, of Lapua, and Teemu Sippo, Catholic bishop of Helsinki, (from left). Photo: LWF/ S. Gallay Impressions from Catholic-Lutheran dialogue in Finland Church, Eucharist and Ministry “not church dividing issues” (LWI) A dialogue document on Church, Eucharist and Ministry published by Lutherans and Roman Catholics in Finland in 2017 could pave the way for an international declaration…
Image Finnish theologian Dr Minna Hietamäki. Photo: LWF Finland: searching for religious identity in a shifting society Ecumenical scholar Dr Minna Hietamäki reflects on some cultural and religious trends in her country (LWI) – For Finnish theologian Dr Minna Hietamäki, the search for reconciliation and unity among Christians is a crucial part of the…