Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image An emoji for forgiveness, selected from the proposals submitted in a campaign by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. Photo: ELCF Finland: New emoji for forgiveness presented Former president Halonen selects emoji from hundreds of submissions (LWI) - Two hands showing the "thumbs up" gesture in front of a heart – this is the winner of the emoji campaign launched by the…
Image Rev. Dr. Anne Burghardt, LWF General Secretary, delivering the keynote address at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland during their Mission Partnership Consultation in Helsinki on 29 August. Photo: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Communities of hope in a divided world General Secretary Burghardt delivers keynote address at Finnish church Mission Partnership Consultation (LWI) - Churches are called to be outward-looking communities, “offering hope to all people living in a broken world,” said Lutheran…
Image Keynote Speech - General Secretary Burghardt - Society and Church: Changing Landscapes.pdf Keynote speech by LWF General Secretary Burghardt at Mission Partnership Consultation on 29 August At the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Mission Partnership Consultation in Helsinki on 29 August, LWF General Secretary Burghardt urges to b