Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image People taste the pancakes made in a cooking distribution with the enriched âFamixâ flour, distributed to displaced people in Tigray. All photos: LWF/ S. Gebreyes Great solidarity, and even more needs Impressions from a visit to Mekelle, Tigray Food is the highest priority in the camps for internally displaced persons (IDP) in Mekelle. The number of those spontaneously set up camps has grown from 14 at the end of March to a total of 21…
Image The news of the peace agreement âcomes like a gentle rain falling down on people around the world thirsting for a message of peaceâ, LWF General Secretary Junge writes. Photo: LWF/ C.Kästner A powerful message of peace LWF General Secretary Junge congratulates church leaders in Ethiopia and Eritrea on peace agreement (LWI) - The news of the peace agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia is “a powerful message of peace to the world,” writes the Lutheran…