“The Holy Spirit carves a way through the Internet,” said Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm as he described a special moment of unity in the Holy Spirit during a meeting of the…
Africa is probably the continent most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, a situation worsened by its poor state of ecomonic delveopment and poor ability to adapt, write Lutherans, Pranita Biswasi and Sascha…
The Wittenberg workshop of young reformers from all over the world stands out as a remarkable testimony of unity in a communion of cultural diversity, says Darius Lee, a member of the Global Young Reformers’ Network steering…
Christine Shander reflects on Workshop Wittenberg experiences and perspectives that have helped to enrich the faith of fellow youth from Lutheran churches across the world and encouraged them to grow together in unity.
Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden – so lautete das Motto der Fussballweltmeisterschaft 2006 in Deutschland. Ich finde, auch 2017 kann man diesen Slogan verwenden, wenn Menschen aus unterschiedlichen kulturellen Kontexten in Wittenberg zusammenkommen…
(LWI) - Starting from Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt, the Reformation has become a global citizen. This idea was the theme of a meeting between Rev. Martin Junge, the general secretary of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), and Stephan…
LWF interview with Rev. Harald Bretschneider on the Peaceful Revolution of 1989
(LWI) – The Peaceful Revolution that 25 years ago caused the fall of the wall dividing Germany to a great extend started in the churches. Former Rev. (retired…
A Welcome Culture for Refugees and Willingness to Talk
(LWI) – Since October 2014, what are now known in Germany as “Pegida” protests have been taking place in Dresden, the capital of Saxony. PEGIDA is the German acronym for “patriotic…
GENEVA, 2 July 2015 (LWI) – The Global Young Reformer’s Network of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will meet in Wittenberg, Germany, for a workshop on the Lutheran Reformation. From 22 August…