Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image (From left) Sebastian Bugs, Sophie Bimmermann and Lasse Schmidt-Klie, members of the GNC/LWF Youth Committee planted the final tree in Wittenbergâs Luthergarten on Reformation Day. Photo: GNC/LWF / Florian Hübner 500 trees bearing fruit worldwide Final trees planted in the Luther Garden on Reformation Day (LWI) - On 31 October, Reformation Day, the planting of the park known as Luther Garden in Wittenberg was officially concluded with a…
Image Getting together: Scholarship holders of the GNC/LWF with Rev. Dionisie Arion, Scholarship Secretary of the GNC/LWF (left) and Rev. Norbert Denecke, General Secretary of the GNC/LWF. Photo: LWF/A.Weyermüller Deepening communion, strengthening churches, encouraging people GNC/LWF scholarship holders grateful for widened horizons (LWI) – Studying abroad, getting to know a different culture and language, taking up impulses from theology and church: every year about 35 students from member churches of the…
Image LWF Council member Bettina Westfeld shows a shrapnel cross, moulded from the pieces of shrapnel from bombs dropped over Dresden and Coventry during the Second World War. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Daring to trust – 30 years after the Peaceful Revolution in 1989 Interview with LWF Council member Bettina Westfeld (LWI) – As a child, Bettina Westfeld (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony) lived in the German Democratic Republic (…