All LWF Member Churches in Region Now Welcoming Women as Ministers
(LWI) – The Lutheran Church in Chile (ILCH) has ordained Rev. Hanna Schramm as its first woman pastor in a historic move that means all Lutheran World Federation…
(LWI) – LWF Vice President Rev. Dr Gloria Rojas Vargas has been appointed chaplain to the presidential palace in Chile. The appointment was issued by Chile President Michelle Bachelet on 14 May.…
Youth engage in education, community gardening, and reforestation project
(LWI) – “The ‘Seeds of Hope’ project has given me the hope that we, as human beings, can change our attitudes and actions and transform our relationship with the…
SANTIAGO DE CHILE / Chile (LWI) La Iglesia Luterana en Chile (ILCH) invita a las comunidades e iglesias a sumarse a la iniciativa "campanas por el clima", que plantea hacer repicar las campanas de los templos el 11 de marzo a las 11 horas, como...
SANTIAGO DE CHILE / Chile (LWI) – Luego de la decisión del gobierno chileno de cancelar la realización de la XXV Conferencia sobre Cambio Climático de la ONU conocida como COP 25, el Comité Ejecutivo de la Alianza Interreligiosa y Espiritual por...