Lutheran Church in Chile opens its doors as a COVID-19 vaccination site
(LWI) - The Lutheran Church in Osorno, a congregation of the Lutheran Church in Chile (ILCH) is sharing its building as a way to “serve a community in…
Youth engage in education, community gardening, and reforestation project
(LWI) – “The ‘Seeds of Hope’ project has given me the hope that we, as human beings, can change our attitudes and actions and transform our relationship with the…
Leadership meeting concludes, affirming vitality of church missions
(LWI) - Creating safe spaces, so that all people can speak and be heard, recognizing that the church and its people are tools of the Kingdom of God and are on the…
Bishop Esteban Alfaro on being church in a divided society
(LWI) - When he joined the Lutheran Church in Chile in 1979, he needed interpretation because he people in the youth group that Bishop Esteban Alfaro joined as a young man only…
SANTIAGO DE CHILE / Chile (LWI) - La Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Chile realizó del 5 al 7 de enero su “Encuentro de Liderazgo 2024”, con enviados y enviadas de las distintas congregaciones y comunidades. La actividad se desarrolló en la Casa...
SANTIAGO DE CHILE / Chile (LWI) - El pastor y profesor Dr. Moisés Pérez Espino, miembro de la Pastoral de Migración de la Iglesia Luterana de México (ILM), ha concluido su destacada visita a Chile, donde compartió su experiencia de trabajo con...
SANTIAGO DE CHILE / Chile (LWI) - El domingo 2 de abril de 2023 la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Chile (IELCH), junto a otras iglesias y organizaciones, fue reconocida por haber jugado un rol importante en la defensa de los Derechos Humanos...