The Study Guide for the Thirteenth Assembly was published in March. On Wednesday 29 March the LWF Communion Office will host a launch event to give you a look behind the scenes and answer questions about how the Study Guide was prepared, how it is structured and how it will be used across the communion as we prepare for the assembly.
A young delegate and a steward from the Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church in India share how the experience of the Krakow Assembly has shaped their engagement with challenges in their Asian context…
The new document on Lutheran identity is the fruit of a four-year process exploring the wide variety of languages, cultures, forms of worship, spirituality, service and public witness through which that identity is expressed…
In a public statement, the Thirteenth LWF Assembly voiced concerns about the violence and loss of lives in Israel-Palestine, calling upon the international community and the Government of Israel to respect and ensure access to…
The LWF’s six-year report gives an overview of its activities in the years between the Twelfth and Thirteenth Assemblies and the journey from Windhoek to Kraków.
A visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial and museum during LWF’s Thirteenth Assembly will be “a call to action to stand together, wherever people’s dignity is being violated.”
Meet the three Lutheran leaders who will be presenting reflections on the theme of ‘One Body, One Spirit, One Hope’ at the Krakow Assembly in September
A new learning program will be presented at Krakow Assembly on ‘Seeking Conviviality: the art and practice of living together in increasingly fragmented and unequal societies.’
Messages from regional Pre-Assemblies are an important part of preparing for the Thirteenth Assembly. They gather insights from the regions and reflect discussions held during the Pre-Assemblies.
Read about the history of the Lutheran church in Poland and its work in an increasingly secular society through the pages of this new brochure, introducing the host church of the upcoming LWF Assembly in Krakow