The first African Doctor of Theology in his home church in Zimbabwe and the first LWF General Secretary from the global south. Rev. Dr Ishmael Noko reflects on key moments from his life and leadership of the global communion of…
The year was marked by the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, which meant that in-person meetings could resume. At the same time, war in Europe, and the response of LWF and its member churches, brought back memories of the years when…
Meet the three Lutheran leaders who will be presenting reflections on the theme of ‘One Body, One Spirit, One Hope’ at the Krakow Assembly in September
Former LWF President Munib Younan has been awarded an honorary doctorate and the Order of the White Rose in Finland for his role as religious leader and voice of Palestinian Christians.
The LWF President and General Secretary condemn violence and call for peace in Sudan. They have asked Lutherans around the world to pray for peace in Sudan this coming Sunday.
Embodying unity is vital in a world that wants to tear us apart and keep us separated, says Rev. Danielle Dokman as she looks forward to preaching at the opening worship service in Krakow in September.
LWF has published a Study Guide to equip participants at the Thirteenth Assembly and Pre-Assemblies with material for reflection on the assembly theme “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.”…
Amid the busy celebrations of the festive season, LWF’s President Archbishop Musa invites us all to stop and reflect on the way that God’s love is reflected in the face of a baby born in a stable in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago.