Learn how four Lutheran communicators create entertaining, informative and engaging radio programs and podcasts for the church.
Director Neng'ida Johhanes-Lairumbe will talk about the social, religious and ecumenical impact of a Lutheran radio broadcast in the Tanzania context. Johhanes-Lairumbe will also share the history of Upendo Radio and what training a communicator needs to manage a radio station.
Podcasters Rebecca Treimer and Christina Kwade will present how the youth-led podcast team of 10 created the GNC podcast “With Body and Soul,” „Mit Leib und Seele“ a program about Lutheran Identity, with absolutely no experience in podcasting. They will share what they learned along the way.
LWF Communication Officer Philippa Hitchen will talk about the history of Vatican Radio, the different styles of radio programming and how to present compelling live-on-air interviews.
The first African Doctor of Theology in his home church in Zimbabwe and the first LWF General Secretary from the global south. Rev. Dr Ishmael Noko reflects on key moments from his life and leadership of the global communion of…
The year was marked by the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, which meant that in-person meetings could resume. At the same time, war in Europe, and the response of LWF and its member churches, brought back memories of the years when…
Meet the three Lutheran leaders who will be presenting reflections on the theme of ‘One Body, One Spirit, One Hope’ at the Krakow Assembly in September
Embodying unity is vital in a world that wants to tear us apart and keep us separated, says Rev. Danielle Dokman as she looks forward to preaching at the opening worship service in Krakow in September.
For the fifth year, the LWF marks the Advent season with hymns of Advent and Christmas from member churches around the globe. Advent is a time when churches await the coming of Jesus Christ.
A photo per year, marking seven and a half decades of witness and service. The LWF has launched a 75th anniversary book, dedicated to all those who have made the communion’s work possible.
GENEVA, 30August 2016 (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) churches around the world currently bring together more than 74 million members. This represents an increase of 2.1 million since 2013, with membership generally growing…
“Our energy… comes from the gifts we have freely received”
(LWI) - A warm and joyful Eucharist service marked the opening of the Lutheran World Federation 2018 Council meeting this morning. 48 Council members from LWF member churches,…
Year-end results for 2017 contribute to financial stability
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) continues to report sound financial progress, recording a balanced budget and growth across the organization.