Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image A woman newly arrived from the DRC holds a child as they wait to be moved from the Sebagoro landing site. LWF Uganda is at the frontline of the refugee response. All Photos: LWF Uganda / S. Nalubega Urgent support for DRC refugees needed Over 2000 people a day crossing border to Uganda (LWI) - The LWF in Uganda is poised to manage three entry points for refugees fleeing conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, an…
Image Jacob Longar Aleer. Photo: LWF/ S. Gallay Working in a high-risk area Interview with Jacob Aleer, LWF Security Focal Point in Jonglei, South Sudan (LWI) - For the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), South Sudan has proven the most challenging country in terms of safety and security in the past year. As the…