Delegates from other countries other than Brazil attended the recent Lutheran youth gathering in Brazil. For Guatemalan Pablo S. Gudiel, the friendly meeting enabled young Christians to discuss their global mission. …
In this Voices from the Communion, Natan Schumann, coordinator of the National Council of Evangelical Youth in Brazil, shares his hopes for the LWF’s upcoming Assembly in Krakow which he will attend as youth delegate for his…
Young reformers and nearly 2,000 delegates expected at Brazil's youth congress
(LWI) – More than 30 delegates from the seven regions of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will be among 1,800 participants at this year’s National Youth…
Brazilian church leader was dedicated to the ecumenical movement
(LWI) – Brazilian church leader Rev. Huberto Kirchheim, former Vice-President of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), died on 14 January at the age of 80.