Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image As in the previous year (photo), a public washing of the feet will also be offered in Graz on Maundy Thursday this year. Photo: Cornelia Ornig/epdÖ Austria: Foot washing as a symbol of service and unity In Graz, Austria, Lutherans and ecumenical partners revive a biblical tradition by washing the public's feet on Maundy Thursday, symbolizing humility and community connection.
Image Bishop Michael Bünker from the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Austria explains the church's position regarding Austrian parliament's Good Friday decision. Photo: ECACA/Uschmann Public holiday on Good Friday abolished in Austria Lutherans say decision follows “economic interests” and “has broken a public promise” (LWI) – The Austrian parliament has abolished Good Friday as a public holiday, a decision which affects members of the Evangelical Churches of the…
Image Photo: Jaclyn Moy via Unsplash Prayers, solidarity with victims of Vienna attack LWF General Secretary sends message of support to Austrians coping with “senseless loss of life” (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) stands in solidarity with Austrians mourning the deaths of four people killed in a terror attack…
Image Balcony power plant on the railing of an apartment building. Photo: epd-bild/Heike Lyding Balcony by balcony: Austrian church campaigns for a renewable future Bringing about sustainable change, promoting care for creation, and intergenerational justice (LWI) - The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Austria (ECACA) has launched a campaign titled “Building Austria’s largest balcony…