Resisting Exclusion - Global Theological Responses to Populism
Resisting Exclusion - Global Theological Responses to Populism
Strengthening the public role of churches in view of populist exclusionary policies
Populist political movements pose serious challenges to churches and theology in many global contexts. How can churches resist the increasingly aggressive and divisive public discourse generated by such groups?
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) seeks to stimulate discussion around this question through the publication which features subjects such as the politics of populism, how this relates to perception of truth, and responding to sexism among others. The authors first presented their papers at an LWF conference in 2018 in Berlin, held in collaboration with Church of Sweden, Bread for the World and the Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin.
Languages: English
Publication series: LWF Studies
Publication series number: 2019/1
Price hard copies: EUR 20 (CHF 22 or USD 22) + shipping costs