New study document on Lutheran hermeneutics
In light of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017, the Lutheran communion revisited its own theological roots and theological identity.
A communion-wide, international hermeneutics process brought together Lutheran and ecumenical theologians and the lessons gleaned from this comprehensive process are synthesized in this statement for use by the LWF communion.
At its meeting in Wittenberg in June 2016, the LWF Council received the hermeneutics statement recommending it to the member churches for study and action in order to ensure that the churches engage critically with their interpretive responsibilities at different levels.
Moreover, the member churches and the Communion Office are encouraged to draw on the key elements of the document to inform the deliberations around the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and as they celebrate and commemorate the Reformation anniversary to recommit themselves to the biblical resources for their faith and life.