LWF Learning Platform

Welcome to the LWF Learning Platform. All resources are organized by broad themes each containing more specific topics. Feel free to use our search function to quickly find what you are looking for. Currently, we have published themes under Churches and the Sustainable Development Goals, Diakonia, Leadership, and Theology. Other themes such as Human Rights, Gender Justice, Ecumenism, etc. will be coming soon.

Videos from the Addis Consultation

“We Believe in the Holy Spirit” - day one

"We Believe in the Holy Spirit" - day two

"We Believe in the Holy Spirit" - day three

“We Believe in the Holy Spirit” - day four

"We Believe in the Holy Spirit" - day five

To be Lutheran is ...

Sofie Halvarsson: Priesthood of the believers

Christopher McDonald: Coordinated Formation

Novrianna Gloria Hutagalung. A mourning grace

Harry Kagisu Morudu: Transformed and Freed

Sebastian Madejski: The Lord’s Supper as the call to the Community