LWF Learning Platform

Welcome to the LWF Learning Platform. All resources are organized by broad themes each containing more specific topics. Feel free to use our search function to quickly find what you are looking for. Currently, we have published themes under Churches and the Sustainable Development Goals, Diakonia, Leadership, and Theology. Other themes such as Human Rights, Gender Justice, Ecumenism, etc. will be coming soon.

Conviviality – Stories of diaconal life in diversity from LWF’s European regions

Four storybooks show how the art and practice of living together is transforming churches’ approach to diakonia. The booklets are the latest fruits of the LWF European Diaconal Process, going on for over 10 years, under the theme “Seeking Conviviality.”

Publishers: International Academy for Diaconia and Social Action (interdiac) & The Lutheran World Federation

Department: Department for Theology, Mission and Justice

Program: Diakonia and Development

Editor: Tony Addy

Publication Date: November 2021

Languages: English

Price: Free

Book 1: Conviviality and the Diaconal Church

Pages: 52

ISBN: 978-2-940642-10-6


Book 2: Conviviality and People on the Move

Pages: 44

ISBN: 978-2-940642-11-3


Book 3: Conviviality, Diakonia and Church

Pages: 52

ISBN: 978-2-940642-12-0


Book 4: Convivial Church and Radical Welcome

Pages: 48

ISBN: 978-2-940642-14-4
