A number networks offer Asian church leaders, theologians and partners the means to strengthen the Lutheran communion in the region.
Asia Church Leadership Consultation
ACLC connects church leaders in order to strengthen fellowship and collaboration in holistic mission and ministry.
Network of Lutheran Theological Institutes in Asia
Neltia provides theological leadership to help churches develop content for holistic mission and Lutheran identity in changing times.
Mekong Mission Forum
Initiated by LWF/DMD more than a decade ago, the forum is a network for member churches and mission partners to accompany Mekong churches in holistic mission. It raises up theological leadership in churches, seminaries and other organizations by providing scholarships. It offers training in theological reflection, peace-building and conflict resolution for clergy and lay people.
Network of West Asia Lutheran Churches
This network is the latest initiative in the region. It includes member churches from Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, and is supported by the LWF's Asia regional office.
Women in Church and Society
WICAS in Asia is comprised of lay women and theologians who are designated as contacts of member churches. It aims to make women’s theological reflection more visible in the communion. As such, it defines its priorities in line with the WICAS objective of incorporating gender justice into every dimension of LWF policies and programs.
Network for the Accompaniment of Small and Struggling Churches
This network enables small churches to develop sustainability plans that will help them survive. It has drawn up plans for some of the churches in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Japan, and encourages well-resourced churches to support those churches that are struggling.
Asia Lutheran Research Network
This high level theological thinktank is comprised of leading theologians and church leadership in the Asia region. It provides guidance for the Lutheran identity and self-understanding process in both content and by identifying resource people. It will continue to lead this process after the program ends in 2017.
HIV And AIDS Advocacy Network
This network is made up of more than 10 member churches with Indonesia and India taking the lead. It is aimed at strengthening the understanding and capacity for advocacy of people living with HIV and AIDS locally and regionally. The "SAVE" kit, a preventive education tool, has been taught to these 10 churches, which then implement it locally. The network uses advocacy approaches and works to strengthen collaboration with local actors.