Africa: “In Christ, we are one body”

After a rich and multi-faceted agenda, the 2024 Africa Lutheran Church Leadership Consultation closed with a message calling for unity in and among churches in the region.

27 Sep 2024
Participants at the Lutheran Church Leaders Consultation in Africa (ALCLC) 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

Participants at the Lutheran Church Leaders Consultation in Africa (ALCLC) 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

Leadership conference closes with call for unity in the body of Christ

(LWI) – “We were inspired with the fellowship of the Holy Communion and spiritual nourishment received through different presentations, morning and evening devotions, biblical reflections, group discussions, subregional meetings, songs, and prayers that were deeply rooted in theological grounds and the foundation of our Lutheran identity.”

This year’s Africa Lutheran Church Leadership Consultation (ALCLC) took place in Abuja, Nigeria, from 18 to 22 September. It brought together representatives from the three subregions – the Lutheran Communion in Southern Africa (LUCSA), the Lutheran Communion in Central and East Africa (LUCCEA), and the Lutheran Communion in Central and Western Africa (LUCWA) – under the theme “We, who are many, are one body” (1 Cor. 10:17).

The ALCLC’s message also underlines this unity: “We acknowledge that we are one regardless of our differences, whether our nationalities, ethnicity or languages.” Nevertheless, it calls for “transformative leadership that embraces all people.”

Theological education was regarded as a high priority. “We reiterate the critical importance of contextually relevant sound theology and appropriate biblical interpretation to support the divine call to God’s Ministry that advances dignity and unification of the body of Christ,” the message states.

It also calls on churches and church leaders to “act against the exclusion of women and youth and ensure their meaningful participation.”

Cultivating “a secure environment for participation of transparent and open dialogue” and “advocating for resilient, just and inclusive communities” would promote peace in the region, the message states.

In the face of poverty, youth unemployment and the climate crisis, churches are called to engage in “holistic and sustainable entrepreneurship”, fighting irregular migration and human trafficking and building sustainable churches.

ALCLC with a multi-faceted program

The ALCLC’s message reflects numerous aspects of the consultation program.

Starting with youth and women’s gatherings before the main conference, the ALCLC also reflected on theological aspects of being an inclusive church and extending leadership roles to include women and young people.

The impact of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) became visible in presentations on the Symbols of Hope Nigeria program, the engagement of LWF World Service in the region, and updates on current study processes in the communion. The LWF strategy for the coming years titled “Sharing hope – empowering churches, impacting the world” was also presented and discussed.

LWF/A. Weyermüller